Your fear and pain is my disguise

Over the summer I have posted various chapters from my blog book, PTSD and Cancer:  Lost, alone and afraid.  Many people have asked me what my response has been from those who have either found my blog via Face Book or through search engine terms, ie. “googling.”  This isn’t a super stat blog but it certainly is serving it’s intended purpose.

I am receiving notes and emails from individuals thanking me for posting an honest, open and raw account of depression and cancer – Christianity, depression and cancer.  Just as I had hoped, survivors are finding through my story that what they are experiencing post-treatment is not “unnormal” and that they aren’t “going crazy.”  In reading their stories, my heart hurts for them as I relive what they share with me.  For some survivors, I wish I could hug them and hold them and let them cry and later talk, talk about what we feel we shouldn’t be talking about because “everybody tells me I should be thankful and grateful that I am cancer free.”

My continued prayer is that in a survivor’s quest to learn more about post-treatment depression they will find my blog and read my story and find the hope and peace they so desperately are looking for.  Yes, our strength comes from Christ our Savior, and in my weakness called depression He was always there whether it be through a secular counselor, a book, a web site or a cancer support group.  I really was never alone and I am here to tell you – you are really never alone.

The following chapter is what I might consider one of my most provocative chapters.  I hear often, very often, how once a patient is done with treatment their life fills with busyness, busyness to the point of distraction.  Is it better to distract yourself after treatment pushing your cancer experience behind you or should you stop yourself and reflect on what you just went through and allow the emotions to surface that you so successfully buried?

January 5, 2010mask

I didn’t think I would make an entry so soon.

As I was writing this morning, my writing revealed a truth.  I was disguising my pain and fear by “helping” other cancer patients and survivors.  I was “helping” them by listening to them and talking with them about their suffering.  I made myself available to them because, subconsciously, I desperately wanted them to answer my questions about my suffering.

Since exposing my true weakness and becoming more transparent with people, some have questioned my decision to completely drop out of “things.”  I know volunteer work places attention on others and not self.  After this morning’s journaling, I know I am in the right place by not filling my time with “things” but taking the time to explore me.

January 5, 2010

I am accepting my cancer, it did happen and it wasn’t a cold virus and over in 10 days. It was an unbelievably surreal, dreamy time in my life. I might mention that again and again as I accept this illness.

So far in a year and a half, I haven’t quite found myself. I came home from SLC a much spiritually deeper person. My one true anchor through all my treatment was my faith and hope in Jesus Christ. Once home and back into a routine, that intimacy and concentrated time was interrupted as the early morning turns into a day of activities.

The landscaping of our yard was a great distraction from having had cancer just months before. To be outside with growing strength and renewing energy, the sunshine and tackling one acre of “dirt” was a healthy challenge for me. Feeling strong and working on this project was like spitting in cancer’s face.

After my SCT, I expected to spend the first year of recovery fatigued and weak. I was shocked at how quickly I recovered and how my strength and stamina seemed to grow stronger daily. I was doing pretty well and I was feeling pretty well.

Literally, when we just finished the landscaping and we were enjoying the beauty of our labor, the flowers and shrubs, and the bounty of our labor, the cherries, I fell off the ladder and broke my leg. I had a lateral break in my tibia, my tibia plateau decompressed and I tore my ACL off of the bone. Surgery rebuilt all that was destroyed. My leg was reconstructed with plates and pins.

In all my years, I never felt such pain. It was overwhelming. And not only was it overwhelming, it was exhausting! The fatigue hit me like a Mac truck. The great majority of my healing was from the end of July to the end of October. The ache or discomfort and my limp lessened all through November and in late December, I noticed what remained was a slight limp.

This accident and recovery distracted me from my cancer. My thought and energy was on my leg. Toward the end of my healing, I began to spend more and more time thinking about my cancer.

I was in complete remission and my leg was better so I began to focus my attention on other people who had cancer – I had this driving passion to help them.  I met with cancer patient/survivors personally.  Most often they wanted to hear about my experience. I also attended our cancer support group and actively contributed to our discussions.

If I couldn’t physically be with people, I participated in on line discussion forums and I volunteered to be a telephone mentor through the Bone Marrow Unit at Huntsman. I was distracting myself again, all my thought and energy was expended on other people. It was an odd time and one I am now exploring.

I think I was superimposing my fear and pain on to others by disguising it as “helping” them get through their fear and pain.  In an odd way, I wanted them to answer my questions about me.  I wanted to ask them three questions. One, if the cancer recurred how would you determine what action to take? Another type of chemotherapy that makes you feel sick and crappy or another form of treatment? How would you choose quality of life verses quantity of life? Dying more quickly and naturally or a prolonged death being kept alive by drugs and transfusions? Two, how/when do you know enough is enough? (kind of the same as one) And three, discuss the reality of death and dying. I thought I was being helpful to them but really this was all about me, me and my curiosity and my grasping for answers to these questions.

I believe before my anxiety and stress manifested, I was becoming more and more obsessed with these issues and perhaps even a little manipulative with others. I wanted to make my problem their problem, I wanted them to answer my questions. I wanted answers and really nobody could give me answers. As my frustration grew, my doubt grew; I began to feel guilty and I felt ashamed. I realized I was not as strong as I thought I was and I had not overcome the psychological aftermath but was feeling the vortex pull me down again. I wanted answers but nobody could give me answers.

Why, after a year and a half was I still suffering? Shouldn’t I have overcome all of this by now? Does anybody else struggle like me? Do they think of these things? Doesn’t anybody talk honestly and openly about these issues or do we always have the “hope” that possibly some new drug will come along to save us? Stupid questions, selfish questions especially when there are women I know dying from cancer. Stupid, selfish questions – I should be grateful I am alive and in complete remission.

And I broke. I am not strong, but I am broken and afraid. I hurt and there is this deep, deep pain hiding in me.


PTSD and cancer: it’s real and it hurts

PTSDFinally, it is being addressed in the cancer community.  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is real and it hurts.

I recently read a blog, Nobody Has Ovarian Cancer: PTSD And Breast Cancer, Study Opens Healing Door.  The author, Denise Archuleta, a stage III C recurrent ovarian cancer survivor,  praised the study that acknowledges  a percentage of  women diagnosed with breast cancer were also sufferers of PTSD.

I had PTSD and Denise suffers from PTSD.  I will follow this blog article with my personal story of lonliness and isolation, sudden flashbacks and fearing I was going crazy.  I felt ashamed of my fear because I flew through my treatment with courageous bravery noted by one and all only to come home to crash in self-doubt and severe depression.  And as a Christian, I was ashamed that “Jesus wasn’t enough.”

Here is Denise’s article in full and please read the comments following; they are very insightful into the world of sufferers of PTSD.

PTSD And Breast Cancer, Study Opens Healing Doors

Each day brings a repeat of a series of events that are predictably unpredictable.  A battle waged not by me but from deep within my mind, an unhealthy response to the fear of death.

Recent research has spoken of such things when it comes to breast cancer.

JNCI J Natl Cancer Inst (2013)
doi: 10.1093/jnci/djt024
First published online: February 21, 2013 Conclusions Nearly one-quarter of women newly diagnosed with breast cancer reported symptoms consistent with PTSD shortly after diagnosis, with increased risk among black and Asian women. Early identification of PTSD may present an opportunity to provide interventions to manage symptoms.

I am not surprised at all, cancer of any kind is traumatic.  If you know me you know I am wondering when this type of research will be done with females who are diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

If you know my story, like many other stories, the doctors are always completely blown away, shocked that we have ovarian cancer. Those of us ladies who heard whispers that the subtle symptoms did mean something important are always shocked, but in a different way.

It is more of a stunned feeling of disbelief because usually for a significant period of time we were crying out that something is wrong, please find it and fix it.  I was told three times that I was too young for this deadly disease.

Well this disease is much less deadly if caught early.

So the stress comes from a doctor finally saying they know what it is and gosh golly I think we need to get you into surgery and rule out ovarian cancer.  And awe shucks I sure am sorry.  And the shock comes from after learning that after everything but the kitchen sink may need to be removed you must do chemo.  

Then the traumatized self does even more research to discover that it is the deadliest of all the gynecological cancers, and we get to read the statistics.  Then some of us are repeatedly traumatized because we may be single, may need to move, may not have health insurance, and because the survival rates are not that great, live this yo yo life of wanting to make the most out of every situation and live as long as possible but not make any real long term plans because, well, we have ovarian cancer. Push. Pull. Push. Pull.

Eventually you survive by letting it Be, and know Today. Letting God take the wheel brings about incredible peace.

I do that more and more, and allowing God to be in charge has made this whole ordeal much more of a blessing. But the pain is still here. The cancer is still here.

If I can find a peaceful space to allow myself time to connect the dots and move from “why” to “how” and “what”, I use my pain to help others. Each day is a mini hike up the hill. The information about PTSD and breast cancer is enlightening, and brings me hope. Women with ovarian cancer need much more emotional and spiritual support. Hopefully this research will create better resources to directly target the stress of cancer, including ovarian cancer.

I was recently diagnosed with PTSD or a Panic Disorder. It took a very long time to figure out what was going on.  I was much more angered than some because I had asked the questions and was denied a CA125 in California.  Suffice it to say that I had symptoms, just not any intelligent gynecologist at the time.

Loss of body, threat of loss of life, loss of home, loss of job, loss of money, loss of status, loss of credibility because chemo gave me severe anxiety.   Loss of the future. Serious stuff for any person to handle.

For many women the loss of bearing their first child ads an entirely new dimension of suffering. Loss loss loss loss…..pain pain pain and repeated assaults on our bodily functions and mind.

I got punched in the stomach the day after my debulking surgery.    I have said this many times, I find the irony classic.    Admitted for optimal debulking surgery, not able to get out of bed yet, on oxygen, massive pain killers, just learning I have Stage IIIC ovarian cancer with aggressive tumors and having been living with unbelievable abdominal pain.  

How it happened was a technician came in my room to take my blood pressure.  My right arm was used.    The cuff was a bit too big, but she secured it tightly.    After reading the pressure she allowed all the air to escape from the arm cuff.  My little arms were not in the way of the tech simply sliding the cuff off of my arm.  There was plenty of room and usually that is what the techs or nurses do.   This gal was bent on unwrapping the cuff.  Velcro always wins and in this case nothing different would have happened.   Mind you I am on my back, fresh staples from my sternum to my pubic bone, already crying from the pain, and she Pulls and pulls and pulls and pulls and WHAM! The cuff loosens and suddenly her fist is embedded in my upper abdomen.   I heard a wailing sound come out of me that has never since returned. It Hurt Like hell.

I yelled and screamed and cried and cursed and and and.   They took a report, refused to do an X-ray, and to this day that exact spot is in constant pain.   It never ever ever dies. We have done thorough and exhaustive testing and nothing physical is present to cause this never ending pain. So, this abdominal pain is part of my anxiety attack.

Now with the evolving diagnosis of PTSD, the predictable order of events is that area of pain intensifies greatly, nausea rolls in, I get flushed and red, I start to breathe quickly, and the release begins when I am sweating profusely.  It takes 5 minutes to 10 minutes from start to get back to the stable level of nausea and fatigue I usually have.

I go through this multiple times per day, multiple triggers are known and other times I have no clues as to why I have this event.

For the longest time it was thought that I was just having hot flashes.  Hot flashes are not normally precipitated by severe abdominal pain or nausea.

What I can do is use my talent to pray for others who suffer. I live with cancer and am learning to live with this PTSD disorder.    Maybe my medications will be changed, not sure.

The biggest cost has been that I as a person, me Denise, am not always clear with my communication and when I have these attacks, I feel that other people do not know what to do.

Being proactive when in the right situation can go a long way, just saying that I need some air, not to worry, and I grab a really cold cloth to help manage the surge of heat and sweats.  

I am just in the beginning stages of learning about this. I take Lorazepam and Effexor XR.   I do not want stronger meds right now.  My gynonc has been so very supportive of this and does not pressure me to process or handle more than I can.    I trust in her.  I trust in God

If you have a story about ovarian cancer and getting a new diagnosis of a mental disorder, depression, anxiety, PTSD, I would like to know.

You are free to post them in the comments section or you can follow me and send me a private email.

Ovarian Cancer and Mental Health are enmeshed together, and it is that along with spiritual, social, financial, community, family and medical support where we address those concerns and create a viable safety net.

God Bless You


Facing Cancer Together said…

I’ve heard about PTSD before, but have never read such an descriptive account. I hope this diagnosis makes the attacks more manageable, and the pain decreases.

April 9, 2013 at 1:13 AM

PEACE said… Dear Survivorgirl,
I too am battling OVCA. What a journey. I was originally diagnosed Ic, but have recurred twice with mets to kidney, lymph nodes and a totally saturated liver. After 3 1/2 years on various chemos am finally in remission. I understand the panic attacks. I get them occasionally with a feeling of light-headedness and the sweats, with horrible thoughts of dying, not getting to see my kids get married or my grandkids. But I’m here! I love each knew day and have a better appreciation for so many simple mundane things. Like watering my flowers, cleaning my house.

By the way, I am the one who started the “Let’s turn Facebook Teal” last year and created the many banners for that project, including the one I see on this page. That really touched my heart today and made my day. Thank you!

We are all in this together, even though it feels like we are so alone so much of the time. Stay tough!

April 9, 2013 at 8:11 AM

Leslie said…

Hi, I just read your story, I too have PTSD, I’ve been battling it on and off for years… Much milder now and more manageable, breast cancer was diagnosed in Aug of 2012, Stage 4 @ the get go… I’ve been working with EMDR techniques more recently, I have found EMDR to be very effective, it is used a lot with soldiers coming back from war… trauma is trauma, pain is pain, my angst hits me in the solar plexus when it hits, sounds like this may be exactly where you got punched! I’m not surprised it hurts! I’m also learning some meditation and breathing techniques that help to calm mine down, episodes are rarer now and less intense…for me its been a journey of learning to TRUST…God and myself…

Just breathing and Trusting


April 9, 2013 at 9:24 AM

Janet Schuler said…

Oh my gosh….I am doing a speach for Survivors Teaching Students and I just added in my speach that I believe being diagnosed with stage III-C PPC is similar to having symptoms of PTSD…..and then I read your blog today. I’m NOT crazy! :~)
I’m 46 and back in treatment for recurrence too!!!!Stay Strong.

April 9, 2013 at 1:18 PM

Denise Archuleta said…

Facing Cancer Together, thank you for your comment. It helps to know You listen. The layers unfold slowly but the encouragers are quick to reply.

Peace, There is almost a meditative solice in the mundane, it keeps us connected to earth, to spirit. I pray you get resolve with your attacks and for a long joyful life. Thank you for sharing your feelings.

Leslie, you are one brave angel. I really appreciate that you have enlightened me to recognize more directly the area of pain. I need to research EMDR……???. I pray for you that your faith continues to help you heal the pain. So relieved for you that over time the attacks are diminishing in strength. Thank you for sharing your story.

Janet, you are not crazy. I am with you in spirit for a return to NED. Survivors Teaching Students is such a blessing. Sharing the elements related to PTSD is important. Over time I hope we can improve the level of psychological support for people with cancer. The. gynecological oncologists of the future are getting a unique look at ovarian cancer because of you. Thank you for telling your story.

April 9, 2013 at 3:10 PM

cyndi said…

I was alone isolating myself from the world and I thought I was going crazy! I wanted to know if I was normal, if this was normal but when I spoke to anyone about this paranoia no one seemed to understand. I researched on the computer, googled “survivor” and at few articles and podcasts popped up. I began to learn about this emotional roller coaster and sought therapy. Through therapy I was told I had PTSD. Yes, I wasn’t crazy! Since that time I try to let other survivors know that if they are struggling with severe depression and anxiety it is a part of the healing process and therapy may help.

I had mantle cell lymphoma, a rare cancer, with a 60% chance of return – it is not curable. In November 2013, I will be 5 years cancer free.

I wrote extensively while in my deep depression and through counseling. I am hoping one day I might be able to use my journal to help others.

I currently author a blog as reference and link other Christian cancer blogs. May I add yours? And, may I reblog this posting of yours?

Thank you!
Cyndi Heath

April 11, 2013 at 7:33 AM

Anonymous said…

I am a fellow ovarian cancer patient also diagnosed at stage IIIC, and although I have no fear of death, I don’t want to go yet. But it doesn’t have to be a fear of dying that creates PTSD–I have developed a PTSD about medical treatments, with flashback memories that still cause panic. Some of the things that have been done in my medical care even before the cancer contributed to this, especially inadequate drugs during colonoscopies that left me with horrifying memories of waking up to severe breakthrough pain when they had everything painfully inflated and were positioning me differently and pushing in on the abdominal wall to move things to be seen by the scope as I lay there helplessly.

My debulking surgery for the cancer was better than optimal, but 2 & 1/2 days later when 7 units of blood and 6 units of plasma couldn’t keep up with bleeding losses, they went back in and stuffed me with 9 yards of surgical packing and an external pressure wrap and kept me in ICU 4 days. All well and good, but when they needed to pull it out, the doctor would not wait until the Versed was in me (2 mg was in the IV line but they had stopped the drip and forgot to turn it back on). I told him I’d gotten nothing and he didn’t believe me, so he got in my face and said, “You’re not aware of any of this, are you? You don’t even know I’m here!” I said, “I DO know you’re here, and I don’t feel the slightest effect of any drug yet at all–no, please don’t start yet!” He turned to my abdomen and said, “You won’t remember this!” and started hauling the packing out, lifting me off the table with the pull. I yelled “NO! NO! NO!” and screamed through 2 pulls, and 2 people nearby walked out of the room, unable to take this, then they put another 2 mg Versed in the line and opened the line, so I got all 4 mg at once. After that I was “out” for a bit, but still remember being re-stapled at the end of it all a few minutes later. 6 weeks later I had a Mediport placed and told them 4 mg Versed had been inadequate for me before and please be generous as I seem to have had it often enough to have developed some tolerance to it and had developed PTSD and phobias–I barely managed to get them to give 3 mg plus a little Demerol, and I lay there in a barely controlled panic for the entire procedure, remembering everything as the nurses tried to keep me talking for distraction, because the doctor believed such a procedure shouldn’t take more than that and would be over too quickly to warrant more!

And they wonder why I panic now at the very thought of the slightest additional procedure!? Even telling about this has me in knots of tension and ready to cry. I’ve had 2 intestinal obstructions since then and have had to beg for something for anxiety before they put in the nasogastric (NG) tube, getting just 1 mg of Valium the first time and 2 mg the second (because I told them 1 mg hadn’t been enough before), and neither time was it adequate, especially the second time with a rough nurse jamming the NG tube in. More traumatic memories and flashbacks…

I am a veterinarian and I think it’s completely unacceptable to put patients through all of this when we have so many wonderful, effective drugs to minimize the physical and emotional trauma. I do better than that for my own patients! It’s even worse when the patient has developed PTSD and procedural phobias, tells the doctors and nurses, and they still don’t adequately address the individual’s needs. It’s bad enough to have to fight cancer–we shouldn’t have to fight for treatment to be more humane.

April 11, 2013 at 1:24 PM

Denise Archuleta said…

Cyndi, I am so sorry to hear that you have suffered so. Your journal would be a blessing for others should you share. I would be honored to be added to your blogs and look forward to reading. Peace and healing to you.

Anonymous, Dear heart and gentle soul, you hang in there. you need much healing and peace and a chance to relieve the pain of your procedures. I also hope you take legal action against that doctor….I would never openly jump to a statement of such extremes, but he is not in the right profession. It’s one thing to have an accident happen when being in the care of a medical professional and it is an entirely different matter to be abused. I pray for you, I pray for him, I pray to God that you are relieved of your pain and that your body and spirit be complete to live a life of joy.

I pray this for all my readers, may your body and soul feel loved, feel light, feel warm and always be hopeful.


April 11, 2013 at 3:49 PM

jaywontfly said…

Thank you for this post Servivorgirl. I was diagnosed with breast cancer over a year ago and am now deemed cancer free. But now I can’t keep my mind at ease, every little pain, ache, sore causes me to panic and think that the cancer has spread. Maybe they missed something? Should I have done all the scans they asked to do? Maybe they would have found more cancer? Then I start psyching myself out.
You actually wrote this post the same day I wrote a post on my blog wondering if there was such a thing as PSTD after receiving a breast cancer diagnosis (or any cancer diagnosis for that matter!). I am not surprised that there is a link and I am glad it is being studied.
Thank you again for this post and I’m sending good vibes to you always! – Jessi April 12, 2013 at 6:32 AM

Lucia O’Quinn said…

Hi! My name’s Lucia and I’m doing a high school science project on “how different cancer patients are affected differently”, and I was wondering if you could go look at my last post and take the survey? It’s completely confidential, and it’ll help me a lot! Thanks!(:

April 12, 2013 at 11:57 AM

vicki lea said…

I am new to this side of the medical arena and thank you all for posting, I do not feel so alone. Thought I thought my appendix had burst they thought i had a kidney stone but no, I have a large ovarian tumor.I am a 52 yo nurse, my surgery is monday. Think I found a good gyn/onc guy. I am sorry for all of your pain and anxiety, I have seen it all first hand. I have always had a special interest in pain management and am hoping I can now use some of my skills to help myself. I dont have a diagnosis yet but know the odds, I am hopeful but realistic, knowing even with the best of outcomes my life is forever changed. Looking for oppurtunities to help you all as well as myself. EMDR has good reviews, but immediately you can go to one of the large bookstores and get guided imagery cds or an phone app to start doing some mediations, “a helpful adjunct” 2 more days till surgery
. Any suggestion to help me prepare? April 13, 2013 at 5:54 AM

Servivorgirl said…

Jess of jaywontfly: i am very happy that you are in a good state of health after going through treatment for breast cancer. It IS interesting that you were wondering about the PTSD at this same time. We know what we need and collectively this gathers and finds the method to be revealed. My hope is more funding for resources to appear, so that we don’t suffer in isolation or feel nutty. Hang in there and please stay in touch.

Lucia: I would be happy to do the survey. I hope the results help contribute towards good programs. Well done for considering such an important topic. Good lucky with your schooling, but you pry don’t need it. ha

Vicki: Oh low, surgery on Monday. I am sorry my response is so late in the evening. I am very. very relieved that you are working with a gynonc. Let’s be keeping our fingers crossed for excellent results for you. Ovarian Cancer is tricky and invisible. hate that, so hard to pick up early.

Preparation, great question. If you are not living alone, it is so much easier. When you get to go home, no lifting over certain number of pounds, you may not be able to do stairs. be ready to wear nightgowns or sleeper dresses, no undies around belly…big ouch. so simple clothing, get everything up off the lower levels to counter height. Have simple things prepared, movies, reading….pace visitors. avoid sodas due to carbonation and hopefully someone can help you make protein shakes. need lots of protein and fluids. also stool softener a, miralax flax. really important… try to prepare a quiet space. I

I was so so so blessed that family flew out to stay with me for a few weeks to help with meals, etc. I could not drive. and I needed round the clock pain killers.

keep good notes.

If you can, hire someone to clean. you may need help with ADL for a few weeks like showering.

Good nutrition, positive people and people who can be with the emotions of fear, etc. I can tell you already know this, but being comfortable will go a long long way. is a wonderful anonymous resource for linking up with other women who have ovarian cancer too

ask me any other questions you won’t. each person is different too, as you know. Peace and I will be praying for you Monday……..

Thank you fall for your important thoughts and for sharing your thoughts and stories.

A friend, a bond and a marathon race . . .


It has taken a week to sort through my thoughts.  Cancer is mean.  Each and every one of us know about cancer, how could we not know?  More than likely, you know of some one who has or had cancer, probably more than some one, maybe ten some ones.  We see all the commercials on the television for cancer hospitals and research and attorneys who will help you sue your employer for exposing you to asbestos or the like.  And pink, pink, pink is every where.  But more than any of that, cancer is taking the lives of my friends.

And I asked God why am I in the midst of this unrelenting, slowly consuming monster?  

I am cancer free.  I am a “survivor”.  So what.  Cancer continues to plague the lives of my friends; my battle is over, theirs is not.  I have grown to love this kooky and eclectic group of women, I hurt inside, and when I learn another woman said “enough is enough” and chucks the chemo for peace and quality of life, I feel a loss.  Oh, not for her, she is free from the hideous march of hope for the cure, the loss is mine.

I have run this race of survivorship with someone I appreciate and admire and love.  We met at my first support group meeting.  I was an absolute wreck, I was a human blog of confusion and my emotions were raw.  During my treatments I was victoriously strong but at my first support group  meeting I felt incredibly weak and defeated and a woman who felt my pain and confusion introduced herself and gave me her phone number.  She extended her hand to help me up, she helped me begin my walk back to life.  She didn’t care if I started out with a limp, she gave me the support I needed.

My friend and I are one month apart in diagnose and the start of treatment.  Her cancer was different than mine but how cancer affected us was no different.  Her treatment was much different than mine but how cancer affected us was no different.  Her cancer had a great possibility of returning and mine did, too.  Her cancer can take her life, mine can be maintained for the rest of my life.  Her cancer returned, mine has not.  Oh, how sad I am for my friend.

She walked with me, she willingly walked with me in my road back to recovery.  I felt lost.  I didn’t know who I was.  I was depressed.  She didn’t care.  We met probably monthly if not more often to share a meal and talk.  Crappy cancer was our common bond but we shared something else that made us happy, the love of running, and that was a common goal we had, to get back to running again.

Oh my friend, she let me talk and talk and talk.  What did she think of me as she sat across the table and saw a woman who looked like she was a spooked deer?  Sometimes I would think to myself, here I am blabbing again (probably about the same things) and she just listens but her eyes say it all.  She listens to me, am I giving her a chance to share her thoughts and feelings?  Am I giving her a chance to share her fears?  Am I being selfish?

She let me talk about what no one else wanted to hear.  We talked about not “if” but “when”.  We talked about what would we do if that dreaded word “relapse” should enter our life.  We talked about how far would we go in treating a relapse.  We talked about the responses and care of our loved ones to our cancer.  I told her I never ever wanted to do an allogeneic stem cell transplant and deal with graft verses host disease.  She wondered if she could go through peritoneal chemotherapy again.

Our talking was healing (well, at least my talking was healing).  The longer we knew each other the less we talked about our cancer.  Our common bond, cancer, turned into a  friendship and we began doing things together.  We found we had similar interests.  I found I really liked her a lot and I had fun with her!  We even went out to dinner as couples and she invited my husband and I to celebrate her 50th birthday with them, we went on a progressive restaurant celebration hitting four restaurants!  Crazy.

We were walking in survivorship together!  My confusion and fear was behind me.  Rather than think of my life in six months increments I went to a year and then to five years and now I see all kinds of years ahead of me.  But I sensed a tentativeness, a reserve or hesitancy in my friend.  She did make plans for future events but there was an unspoken reality to the poor odds with her cancer.

We share the same oncologist.  Our “big” appointments are a few months apart.  Before each appointment we hold our breath and then after the appointment there is a big sigh of relief.  But then my friend said her numbers were slowly – slowly, that is – going up.  It doesn’t matter if it is slowly as slowly does cause one to wonder.  And then she said she was experiencing this pain in her left side; no, not pain, an ache but noticeable none the less.  She brought it to the onc’s attention, but it was of no concern to him.  She brought it up again the next appointment; still, no alarm.  (However, her numbers went up a little again.)

And then it is our annual CT scan – the dreaded CT scan.  The CT scan can see inside of us what we can not see and we are always hoping there is nothing inside of us.  Mine was in April and it came back clear, her’s was in June and it did not come back clear.  There was a mass outside her colon.  And as she and her husband met with a surgical oncologist they learned the news was far worse than initially told.  This was devastating, devastating . . .

My friend called me 9:15 a.m., Friday morning, early June.  Her usually smiley voice was shallow.  She asked what I was doing that morning.  I told her, she hesitated and then I knew something was wrong, terribly wrong.  We met at 11:00 a.m. and through tears, our tears, she told me the news.  The cancer was back and invasive.  Now I listen.

I feel sad.  I feel sorrowful.  I feel angry.   I feel loss.  I feel loss that our walk in shared survivorship has drastically changed and the what “if” has turned into “when”.  I find myself at a loss in what to say.  Our common walk on the road of survivorship forked; now what she is experiencing is something I am not familiar with.  What can I say?  What can I do?  Can I do anything for my friend?  (I can pray, I can pray, I can pray . . .)

She is back in Michigan awaiting surgery.  She returned to her primary oncologist, the one who initially treated her.  Her family is there.  She and her husband are there now – and I am  here.  The most I can do is take care of her flower pots while  she is away.  I can’t go to her, I can’t wait in the waiting room with her husband for the news.  (I can pray, I can pray, I can pray . . .)  I have to hope that her husband remembers to call me.  My friend held my hand.  Damn, I wish I could hold her hand!

I never did get back to running.  I tried but my broken leg changed everything.  My friend?  She set a goal.  She trained to that goal.  She will not be able to reach that goal – her first marathon . . .  But she is running!  She trained, she is strong, she was ready, she is ready.  She is running the marathon of her life.  And I am in Montana, at this finish line, cheering her on.  She will cross the finish line and receive the medal she trained for, first place in her division – a real athlete and true winner!

Run, my dear friend!  Run!

My friend, Sandy, on the far left

My friend, Sandy, on the far left