Your voice . . . contact me

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4 comments on “Your voice . . . contact me

  1. Sean Sy says:

    Hi Cyndi,

    First of all I wanted to thank you for sharing your journey online so that others may be witnesses to God’s goodness and power in your life! My own mother Aurora passed away from cancer in 2005, and I am close to others currently fighting the battle. 2004-2005 was such a difficult time for my family and I, and all we could do is rely on God’s strength.

    I recently wrote a worship song that God has put on my heart to share with those struggling against this terrible disease. He has used it as a source of encouragement to my family, friends, and I through our bout with cancer. My prayer is that God will use this song to minister to you, and that He will provide the hope, strength, faith and joy that you need as you continue your journey. Know that you have already overcome and have victory in Christ! I hope you enjoy the song and that it blesses you and your family and friends. Link below… God Bless Cyndi!

    Your Brother in Christ,

    • Cyndi Heath says:

      Thank you for sharing this song of hope and peace. Sean, you do have a voice and I am delighted you sang it rather than someone else.

      Music is a great source of comfort and peace in a time of uncertainty. It gave me hope through the promise that God is always with me no matter what. I am sorry that your mom’s life was taken early because of cancer but she passed a lovely gift to you – a empathy for those diagnosed with the disease and a soft compassion as exemplified through song.

      Bless you dear brother!

      • Sean Sy says:

        No problem at all Cyndi! I 100% believe that God can use our personal experiences (both positive and negative) to create powerful testimonies that will impact others as we share them. I think often times the decision to step up, step out of our comfort zones, and actually share them is the hard part =).

        I appreciate so much what you’re doing with your blog, as you not only provide practical information about this disease, how to deal with it, and your life story, but most importantly sharing the critical message of Christ’s love and sacrifice to the masses as you do so!

        I’m honored to take the mission field with you in this area Cyndi. God bless and I’ll continue to pray for you!

        In Him,

  2. Hi Cyndi,

    I found your blog, as fate would have, by searching for other faith-driven individuals. I too an a cancer survivor (twice) and feel compelled to contact you, as our journeys are so similar.

    I too made it through my diagnosis by way of God, and clinging to my faith for security. I also spent a great deal of time hiking, and during that time my relationship with Him blossomed.I would carry on full conversations with God while hiking, and looking back, it’s how I made it through my diagnosis and treatment.

    I see that you’ve not been on your blog for a while, I hope all is well. I am getting in touch with you to see if you’d be interested in exchanging guest blog posts?

    If so, feel free to get in touch with me. I’d be happy to work with you, as our stories and journeys are so similar.

    Sending my best,

    Marybeth Haydon. If you’d like to check out my blog:

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